Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it Snow..Let it Snow..Let it Snow..

Will got his first taste (and I mean that literally) of the snow this weekend. We bundled him up and brought him into the backyard for a little sledding. At first he seemed to really enjoy it, until he took a face plant into the snow. Then everything went downhill (no pun intended) from there.

Whoa..I don't know about this Dad.

Hmm...this is actually kind of fun!

Why don't you hop in with me and let's go for a ride?

Here we are after the face in the snow episode. We took a brief break inside to warm up his face...but he still wasn't a happy camper after that.

Okay..I'm a little better now. But don't do that to me again!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

9 Months

Will turned 9 months old today. Only 3 more months before the big number 1! As always, lots went on this month. We went to the doctor's today and he is weighing in at 21.7 lbs, which is 75% percentile and is 29 1/2 inches long which is also 75% percentile. His head is coming in at a whopping 18 3/4 inches which is 95% percentile..I'm still going with the big head, big brain theory! The doctor said we can start giving Will pretty much anything that we eat. Yikes..I guess this means I now have to find the time to start cooking for him? I think I might stick to the jar foods for a little bit longer and take baby steps towards cooking actual meals. I did make pancakes the other day for him which he loved.

I know I say this every month..but 9 months is the best age!! He is so active and aware of everything that is going on. He still loves to day "da-da" but we also hear lots of "ba-ba" and "ma-ma" (yeah!!). I'm trying to teach him "kitty" and show him Lucy but so far no such luck with that.

His favorite toy is still his music table because he gets to stand and play. He is getting really good at walking. I feel like he is going to take off any day now. We are still working on the crawling but he does a pretty good job of getting himself around a room doing his drag and pull maneuver.

He is sleeping 10 hours a night (yeah for us!) and takes two 1.5 hours naps a day (again..yeah for us!).

Here's some pictures of Will during the month:

Check out my teeth...I have 5 now!

Is this one for me?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Scared of Santa

To get in the holiday spirit, we brought Will for his first visit to see Santa. I was so excited to take pictures of him and really thought that he wouldn't mind being passed over to sit on Santa's lap....I was wrong.

The second we put Will in Santa's lap he started crying. From Will's perspective, he probably saw a large hulking figure covered in red fur with a head of white hair and a barely visible face. It didn't help that Santa wasn't very jolly. I think he was mad because we were cutting into his lunch time.

Oh well...I think it is a rite of passage for every parent (and child) to experience the screaming and crying. I'm sure this won't be the first time. Here are a few pictures I was able to get before having to rescue Will from Santa's lap.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks for everything we have. I am most thankful that we have a happy, healthy and beautiful baby in our lives this year. I couldn't ask for anything more and am so thankful that Will is here with us.

On top of that, I have an amazing husband, wonderful families and friends, a good job (yes I am thankful for that at the current moment) so I'm feeling pretty lucky!! Overall it was a great Thanksgiving spent with our families. It's very different having a baby around for the because you don't get to relax like you used to be able to :-) and two because it definitely adds extra special meaning to the holiday and brings such a happy feeling.

Will and Judu Thanksgiving morning

Will got to meet his cousin Olivia for the first time. She moved to the Caymen Islands (lucky duck) and she was able to sneak away from work and come home to visit.

Will also got to see cousin Julie again

Hmm...this looks nice and breakable..perfect for me to play with. better start baby proofing your house!

Always smiling...

The day after Thanksgiving we moved onto Eric's parents house and got to spend time with all the family. Will got to see his cousin Jakob again and was SUPER excited to see him. Jakob was not so impressed.

Will and Uncle Jeff

Will was enjoying being the center of attention and was taking full advantage of it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Steps

So Will may not have the crawling thing down but he did officially take his first steps on his own!! Maybe he will just skip crawling all together?? Yeah Will!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

8 Months

Seeing that my mommy apparently has been slacking on my blog, I've decided to take things into my own hand and write my own 8 month blog. I've got to keep my fans happy.'s true..I, William James, have turned 8 months old. I know, I find it hard to believe that I've been around for 8 months already too! Time goes by when you are having fun! It was a pretty big month for me if I do say so myself. While I still haven't quite learned how to crawl, I have been practicing really, really hard. It's tough when you weigh 21 pounds..but hey, I don't mess around when it comes to food.

Speaking of eating, I did learn how to use a sippy cup. Here's a picture of me with my cup.

I can even drink one handed!

I just started eating three meals a day. Now that I'm 8 months old..I had to cut back on the bottles. Those are for babies.

I also got two teeth and a third one coming in! Some of my friends in my playgroup who already had teeth were saying what a terrible experience it was so I was a little worried. However, it really wasn't as bad as everyone said. Now the molars..that's going to be another story.

My mommy calls me a "squirmy wormy" because I won't sit still. Can you blame me..I've been sitting still for 8 months now. I'm ready to get this party started and start moving. I LOVE to play with my music table. It is so much fun standing..much better than being stuck sitting on the floor. Sometimes when I get tired of holding myself up with my hands..I just rest my belly on the table.

And drum roll please...I'm getting the hang of standing on my own!

So that's it from me for now. I'm going to go practice my crawling..maybe Elmo can show me how. Hope you enjoyed my blog!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Will's First Tooth!

After months of drooling and chewing on everything he can get his little hands on, Will finally got his first tooth! Yay! It was a very exciting discovery and just one more sign that our little guy is growing so quickly!

You would never have known a little tooth was pushing its way through because it didn't seem to bother Will at all. Aside from some very rosy cheeks and increased drooling (which I didn't think was possible), he was his same old happy self. I hope they are all this easy! We can also see his second tooth about to pop through any day.

I tried my hardest to get a picture of his new tooth but every time the camera came out, the tooth went into hiding. I was able to snap one picture which he wasn't very happy about. You can somewhat see the little white tooth coming out.

Now the question I have to start brushing his tooth?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

Smell my feet...give me something good to eat! Happy 1st Halloween Will!! Will had a fun filled first halloween and we definitely enjoyed celebrating it with him. Our cute little dinosaur got to wear his costume 3 times and go to 2 halloween parties. He didn't seem to mind the costume despite not being able to see most of the time because the teeth were covering his eyes. haha. Here are some pictures from our activites.

No..Will is not crawling yet but he is well on his way. Here he is doing his best dinosaur impression.

On Halloween night, we celebrated with our friends and headed downtown for a little trick or treating. We didn't actually go door to door, but walked around and enjoyed seeing all the kids costumes.

Here are the happy (?) trick or treaters. Rylee and Will didn't get the memo that the Monkey was the costume of choice this year.

Ready to go trick or treating!

Rylee and Will always posing so nicely together

Dad and dinosaur

The moms

The day after Halloween, we had our playgroup party (thanks for hosting Jodi!). It was the first time that all 14 moms, dads, and babies were able to get together since meeting 7 months ago. It was a great time and of course we got some cute group pictures. Will didn't even mind having to wear his costume one more time.

The Babies

The Moms

The Dads

The Meltdowns