Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 22, 2010

8 Months

Well it only took us 8 months to finally take down the William sign and hang the 'JACK' letters above the crib. It's been a busy month for all of us, especially Jack. We don't have a doctor's appointment until next month so I'm not sure where he stands on the growth chart but just from looking at him he is definitely a happy and healthy little guy. Here are some highlights from the month....

On the move.....
As you've seen in a post already, Jack started crawling this month. We don't have any gates in the house but he actually keeps himself fairly contained all on his own. He pretty much just wants to be where ever his brother is. I usually find him either sitting next to Will watching a video or following him from room to room trying to play with whatever Will is playing with. Jack is still a little too young for them to really play together but it is very cute to watch the two of them interact. Jack loves to watch everything Will is doing and I think Will actually likes having someone else in the room to hang around with.

With crawling immediately came pulling himself up on everything he can get his hands on. This boy has some strong leg and arm muscles and can pull himself up on just about anything. The other day I found him pulling himself up against the wall.

To wrap up the month, Jack celebrated by taking his first steps holding onto his push toy!

Eating and Sleeping...
Jack is eating 3 meals a day (and 5 bottles) but we have started to move away from the baby food because he wants nothing to do with it. He wants to eat whatever Will is eating and when I try to feed him baby food, Jack just stares longingly at the food on Will's plate. So I have just started giving him a taste of whatever Will is eating and usually whatever I put in front of him, he eats it.

Jack is still sleeping pretty well (with the occasional bad night here and there). He goes down around 7:30 (at which point he is exhausted and falls asleep in a matter of minutes) and wakes up at 5 or 5:30am. Yes...he is still a very early riser. We try our hardest to get him to lay down with us in bed for a little longer but he wants nothing to do with. He prefers to climb all over Eric and I and pull himself on the headboard. Usually that goes on until Will wakes up at 6am at which point any hopes of trying to get a few more minutes of sleep is gone.

Hair style....
Jack has a case of wild bangs and we just don't know what to do with them. They seem to have a mind of their own..some days they are straight...other days curly...and occasionally they stick straight up. The rest of his hair hasn't quite caught up with his bangs just yet. I think I may need to take a scissors to the bangs at some point soon before they get too unruly.

Jack said his first word...okay so word may be pushing it a little bit but he did make his first real sound that actually sounded like a word. So far "da-da" has been the extent of his talking but I think this is my favorite thing from the month. I love hearing his cute little voice.

Here are a few other pictures from the month...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sound Sleeper

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this. I have no idea how he managed to get himself into this position. Thank goodness for bed rails.....

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How we spent our vacation...

We spent the 4th of July week down at the cape. We couldn't have asked for better weather while we were there. Here's a recap of the week...

First, I attempted to take pictures of the boys in their 4th of July outfits at the beach. Will of course wanted nothing to do with it...

And then the wind got the best of us....

So we tried again at home but didn't have any better luck. Will just wasn't having any of it.

He was more interested in chasing Greta around the yard.

But he was a very big helper when it came time to feed Jack.  As Will likes to say "I try" and then "Will did it!"

We enjoyed spending lots of time at the beach during the day...

..and taking walks on the beach at night.

We learned how to crawl...

And how to get ourselves into trouble...

We did a little dancing...

And ate lots of yummy food..

Overall we had some great family bonding time while on vacation!

On the Move

Jack officially started crawling last weekend! He is crawling a whole 2 1/2 months earlier than Will who didn't start crawling until he was 10 months old. I think Jack had a bit of an advantage since he has Will to watch and learn from. And of course, he had the extra incentive of just wanting to keep up with his big brother. Life is going to get a lot more interesting in our house. We have to be on our toes at all times since Jack wants to get into everything and anything he can get his hands on. Oh the fun begins.

Go Jack Go!!