Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 14, 2008

9 Months

Will turned 9 months old today. Only 3 more months before the big number 1! As always, lots went on this month. We went to the doctor's today and he is weighing in at 21.7 lbs, which is 75% percentile and is 29 1/2 inches long which is also 75% percentile. His head is coming in at a whopping 18 3/4 inches which is 95% percentile..I'm still going with the big head, big brain theory! The doctor said we can start giving Will pretty much anything that we eat. Yikes..I guess this means I now have to find the time to start cooking for him? I think I might stick to the jar foods for a little bit longer and take baby steps towards cooking actual meals. I did make pancakes the other day for him which he loved.

I know I say this every month..but 9 months is the best age!! He is so active and aware of everything that is going on. He still loves to day "da-da" but we also hear lots of "ba-ba" and "ma-ma" (yeah!!). I'm trying to teach him "kitty" and show him Lucy but so far no such luck with that.

His favorite toy is still his music table because he gets to stand and play. He is getting really good at walking. I feel like he is going to take off any day now. We are still working on the crawling but he does a pretty good job of getting himself around a room doing his drag and pull maneuver.

He is sleeping 10 hours a night (yeah for us!) and takes two 1.5 hours naps a day (again..yeah for us!).

Here's some pictures of Will during the month:

Check out my teeth...I have 5 now!

Is this one for me?

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