Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trip to the Farm

Since we have moved back, we have been exploring the area finding fun things for us to do. We've gone to Mother Goose at the library, signed up for a gym class, gone to the playground, and took a trip to the Children's museum in the city (I missed Boston!!). Last week, Will and I visited a local farm near our house with some of our friends. It has been great re-connecting with friends who I haven't seen in a while since we have been in CT. We were planning on going to pick a pumpkin and have lunch but unfortunately, the pumpkin picking didn't start until the next day. However, we still had a lot of fun feeding the animals and playing on the playground. Here are some pictures from our day.

Will loved feeding the animals and had no fear going right up to them and having them eat out of his hand.

Walking with the big kids. Jack is almost 3 and Avery is 4 but Will tried his hardest to keep up with them. He was particularly fond of Avery and kept giving her hugs and holding her hand while we were walking around the farm.

Hey Bobby..check out those chickens in there!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Last Days of Summer

We headed off to the Cape this Labor day weekend to enjoy that last days of summer. The weather is already starting to feel a little like fall which makes me sad because I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer just yet. It went by way too fast especially since we have been so pre-occupied with the move that I feel like I didn't even get to enjoy the days as much as I should have. We had a great weekend though spending time with both of our families..mine in Falmouth and Eric's in Eastham. Here are some pictures from the weekend....

Eric's parents are building a new house so we spent the day there while Eric helped his dad work on the house. Will even joined in for a few minutes to help his Papi.

The beach is only a 5 minute walk from the house so we packed up the wagon and headed over for a late afternoon swim after the guys finished up on the house.

The great part about this beach is that the tide goes so far out which is perfect for little kids. Will was able to run around and the water wasn't much higher than his chest.

Mr. Social found himself a friend at the beach. He made a beeline for this little girl when he saw her then he continued to talk to her for a few minutes. He must have been saying something good because next thing we knew, she was leaning in for a kiss! When he was done talking, he gave the little girls mom a hug and went off on his way.

I think this is my favorite picture ever. Doesn't he look like he is like 3 years old..not 1 1/2! The boy has no fear when it comes to the ocean and he was practically diving head first into the water. He would trip and go under water and bounce right back up with a big smile on his face. In this picture, he was just sitting in the water up to his neck and having such a good time.

Here are a few pics of Eric rescuing Will from one of his under water adventures.

Home Sweet Home

It is hard to believe that we have been back in MA for a little over a month now. For the most part we are settled into our new home and actually have unpacked all but 3 boxes. We have been on a few too many shopping sprees getting new furniture for the house but everything is finally starting to come together. We still have some painting to do and hanging pictures but overall it feels like home and we love it. Our neighborhood is amazing and we have met a few of the neighbors who have stopped by to introduce themselves. Will has settled right in too and loves all the space he has to run around and run away from mommy and daddy (his new favorite thing to do).

Here are some pictures of Will enjoying his big new backyard...his favorite place to be.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Baby Update

77 days and counting! We are excited to announce that baby Dugas will be arriving on November 19, 2009! I was able to schedule baby D's birthday at my last doctor appointment so now we know it is a boy and we know the exact day he is going to be arriving. Some would say that spoils all the surprise but I actually really enjoy knowing this information. I am so curious to know what the little guy is going to look like. I can't imagine him not looking like Will.

Time is going by so quickly. Every once in a while, Eric and I look at each other and say "Are we ready for this again?". Middle of the night feedings...spit-up all over the place...two kids under the age of two. Will's world is going to be turned upside down and he has no idea. But once we get through the initial worries, we are so excited for him to arrive. Part of me feels like the day can't get here soon enough and the other part of me wishes I had a little more time. The first 7 months flew by and I now the last 2 are going to go even faster. Here is a picture of me at 28 weeks. We took advantage of the background in our new back yard.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails! Well, I don't know about the puppy dog tails but I can tell you that Will has the frog part covered! We were in our backyard last week and Eric found a frog and brought it over to show Will who thought it was the greatest thing in the world. It was so funny because Will went right for the frog and had no fear in picking it up and walking around the yard holding it in the air. Thank goodness for Eric because I wouldn't go near it except to take a few pictures. Is this what I have to look forward to with boys??

Oh..this looks like it would be fun to play with.

What's all the yelling about mom? It is only a frog.

I can handle it from here dad.

Hey..stop trying to jump out of my hands!

I love frogs!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bad Habits

Uh oh...are we teaching him bad habits already?

You caught me!!