Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The Will-man got to go on his first airplane ride this past weekend. And to where of all places...Disney World! Eric had to travel to Orlando for the week to attend a training. We figured what better excuse than that to build in a vacation for us. So Will and I planned to fly down to Orlando on Friday afternoon to meet Eric and spend the weekend. I will admit, a part of me was very nervous about flying just the two of us, while the other part was thinking it would be a piece of cake.

After packing up all Will's stuff (and I say all Will's stuff because I think his clothes, toys, food, bottles, blankets, stroller, carseat, diaper bag and diapers made up about 90% of our luggage), Will and I drove to the airport, hopped on the shuttle and started our journey to Orlando. Figures that of all day's to travel, we have the worst weather. I was driving through a major rain storm and was thinking the entire time..please God, let our flight leave on time.

We got to the airport and made our way through security. I had gotten a helpful travel tip from a friend to bring my baby Bjorn (front carrier) so that I could be hands free while going through security. It was a HUGE help. I put Will in it and he was smiling and talking to anyone that would look at him.

When I got to the gate, the plane was delayed for 40 minutes. Okay...not bad..I can handle that. Then we found out it was going to be delayed for another hour. Uh oh...I looked at Will and was thinking...when is the meltdown going to never did! He was perfect the entire time. He did a little sleeping, entertained some of the people around us, and just hung out.

I had asked the woman at the gate if there were any open seats so I could bring Will's carseat on with me. There were so she re-issued my ticket. When I got on the plane, I realized that she had hooked us up. We were in the first row (right after business class) which is the bulk head and Will got his own seat. It made for a WONDERFUL flight. I got to do a little reading..took a little nap. Will was entertaining the women next to us and even let them hold him.

Here are some pictures of Will on his first plane ride.

Okay, so enough about the airplane ride. We had a pretty neat little Villa with a living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. It worked out perfectly for us with Will.

On Saturday, we started off our day by going to downtown disney for lunch. We did a little shopping while we were down there since I was dying to buy Will something (and I think Eric was too). We got Will his first Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. Well actually we showed it to him in the store and then he wouldn't let go. So we figured he liked it and bought it for him. Look at the smile on his face!

We also had Will try on every hat possible in the cute is he.

That afternoon, we got to see Ray and Ryan who are Eric's very close family friends. We had never met Ryan's son Kolby so it was really great to see them. We spent the day at the pool and then went out to dinner with them.

We got Will this nifty little float. I wish I had one of these!

I forgot to bring a bib to dinner so I had to made due with a lobster bib. Needless to say, it was a little big for Will but it did the job.

On Sunday, we went to Epcot. As usual, Will was perfect the entire day. We strolled him around the entire park from 11am to 4pm and he was happy as a clam...and it was hot out! The best part of the entire day was when we got to see the Disney characters and take pictures with them. I have no idea what was going through Will's mind when he saw them but he seemed to love it. At one point, he had Mickey's nose in his mouth! I'm not sure we actually got any pictures of Will looking at the camera, he was too interested in looking at the characters. Then, of course my camera decided to die during our time with the characters so we didn't get all the pictures. :-( Oh well, we got a few cute ones.

In line waiting...

Meeting Mickey for the first time

Hey, what's that thing on your face?

Wait..come back here with that. I'm not done playing with it!

More hats!

Pooped by the end of the day....

We had a great first trip to Disney World with Will. I know it was probably more fun for us to take him than it was for him since he didn't understand what was going on. He was so happy the entire time and we couldn't have asked for anything more. We can't wait to bring him when he is older and can really enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy 6th Month Birthday!

We can't believe Will is 6 months old already! I seriously think this is the best age right now (however, I know I'll be saying that every month!). We enjoy every minute we get to spend with him.

At 6 months, Will is...

- sitting up all by himself for a several minutes at a time.
- Mr. Chatterbox especially when he is getting his diaper changed. Da-da seems to be his sound/word of choice. I'm hoping ma-ma comes soon!
- grabbing at EVERYTHING and ANYTHING he can get his little hands on.
- enjoying eating solid food. So far bananas and applesauce seem to be his favorite.
- smiling, giggling and laughing all the time. He is such a happy baby.
- taking 3 naps a day and sleeping on average 9 hours a night!
- so interested in everything that is going on around him. If I try to feed him when we are around other people..forget about it! He just wants to watch what is going as if he is going to miss out on something.
- able to recognize us when we pick him up at daycare. When he sees Eric or I, he gives us a huge smile and starts waving his arms around until we pick him up. If we don't pick him up and give him a hug right away, he will pout.
- starting to understand object permanence (is that right?). Example, Eric was away this week and I put him on speaker phone to say hi to Will. When Will heard his voice, he started to crane his neck to look beyond the phone to find Eric. It was so cute.

Here are some pics of Will at 6 months.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh..what to do on a rainy day?

Gymboree!! It was a rainy Tuesday today and Will and I didn't have much to do. Keri from playgroup suggested going to a demo class at Gymboree (gotta love the free classes!) Will seemed to love the class as he was all smiles the entire time. He got to play with bubbles, crawl up a big foam ramp, sit under a parachute, and play baby soccer.

Don't they look like they are having so much fun together?

Hey I come!

Riley was cheering everyone on as they climbed to the top.



Will has so many toys. Every time I see something that looks fun...I buy it for him. I have a mat set up for him to sit on and play with all his toys. What of all things does he decide is his favorite? A plastic bag filled with tupperware...figures!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Look Who's Talking...

Will has been Mr. Chatterbox the past few days. His babbling is starting to sound more and more like actual syllables. We have been hearing lots of "da-da" and occassionally we'll hear a "ma". Of course Eric is loving the fact that he's starting to get the hang of "da-da". Here's a clip of our chatterbox!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Will "the thrill"

It's Dad checking in. I bought Will his first basketball this week. As you can see he's already got great form on his jump shot. (He just needs to get his legs underneath him a little.) I can't wait for the day when I can teach him how to really shoot baskets but for now just seeing him grab the ball gives me a thrill. Will really is growing so fast and everyday he becomes a little more of a little boy. Its really neat now when I get home and he looks up at me with a big smile and reaches his arms out or when he giggles at me. Pretty soon I think he'll be crawling all over the place and I have a feeling that keeping up with Will "the thrill" won't be easy. It's difficult enough sometimes just holding on to him.

Look at that form..he's a pistol.

Coming at you Dad...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! We had a nice, relaxing, long weekend. Will was spoiled...he had us for 6 days straight. Eric stayed home with him on Thursday because daycare was closed, I was home with Will on Friday, then the weekend, Labor day and I was home with him again on Tuesday! It was a nice treat to spend lots of family time together. We hung out with friends, went to a parade, practiced Will's eating some more (we moved on to oatmeal!) and did some shopping (Will got two new pairs of shoes!). Here are some pictures from our weekend.

BBQ at our friends house.

Will hanging with his friends

The moms

Will also got to see his very first parade! We met up with some friends and babies to enjoy the parade. I found out that it is the only labor day parade in the state of Connecticut. It was huge! Eric and I couldn't believe how many people were at this parade. And it was long..we didn't even stay to the end.

Will didn't seem to into the parade but some day he is going to love them..especially the fire trucks!

Janelle, Ryan and Rylee

Casey, Ryan and Riley

And of course...we did more eating!