Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Steps

Jack took his first two steps today! I was with my friend who has a little boy 2 weeks older than Jack. Her son started walking a couple of weeks ago and was showing off his skills in front of Jack. I put Jack down on the ground and the next thing I knew he took two steps forward! Granted he hasn't really walked much since then..a couple steps here and there but I'm putting it down in the books as his first official steps! I think it is only a matter of time before he is chasing after Will.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Picture Catch Up

I've been a bit behind on blog posts lately as you have probably noticed. I'm not sure what happened but the past couple of months have been crazy busy and finding time to do anything has been a challenge. Of course I feel guilty for ignoring my blog but in the interest of time here are some pictures from the past couple of months. We had a very busy summer and what's starting off to be a busy fall so far. It's hard to believe it is already close to the end of September! Enjoy the pictures!

Bath time!


Concerts at the Park with Friends

Sienna already has Will eating out of her hand!

Swan boats in Boston

Testing out the new beach ride at Nana and Papi's

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


They are kind of hard to see from this picture but Jack just got his first teeth this past week! We've been waiting for them to make their appearance since it seems like he has been drooling and chewing on things forever. Last week he really wasn't himself and sure enough, the first tooth popped through not long afterwards. Once the first one came, the rest followed very quickly. He now has two teeth in and three ready to pop through any day now. Yay Jack! One more sign that he is growing bigger!

I tried my hardest to get a picture of the teeth and this was the best I could do. The little bugger is getting good at dodging the camera especially since he learned to crawl. You'd think I would have learned to be quicker but apparently not.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

The time came where I couldn't ignore it anymore. Jack got his first "unofficial" haircut this weekend. I don't consider it official until he goes to the barber shop. I know my dad will be happy to see this because he has been bugging me to cut his bangs.

So here is the before (yikes!).....

And here is the after.....

I will admit it looks much better. Not sure what I was waiting for. He is so handsome now (not that I he wasn't before but you know what I mean)!