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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Don't Touch Your Brother

Wow..I just realized my last post was right after Jack's birthday. It feels like just yesterday Jack turned 1 and now we are only a few days away from Christmas! The boys have been keeping us very busy to the point where we can't even enjoy a cup of coffee without one of us having to go to the rescue of someone crying because one boy touched/bite/pushed/stole a toy which then results in the other one crying. I was standing in my kitchen today telling one of the boys to stop doing something when I stopped and thought to myself...this is what it is going to be like for the next 15+ years. Them pushing each other's buttons and Eric and I trying to referee the situation. It just made me have to sigh and laugh at the same time. Also as I yelled not to touch your brother...I started thinking about how these words are becoming standard in our house along with the following:

1. Will put your pants back on. (weird yes..but he likes to run around without his pants on)
2. Will stop licking Jacks face. (yes...I have said this on more than one occassion)
3. Don't put Jack's hand in your mouth!
4. Jack..stop hitting Will in the head.
5. Will don't knock your brother over
6. Did you just bite him?
7. Don't touch the (insert anything they shouldn't be touching).

I am going to preface this video by saying I do not usually just let the boys continue to wrestle as I watch. I break it up so that no one gets hurt. Just didn't want anyone to think I was refereeing WWE Smackdown matches at my house on a regular basis!

But all wrestling aside, how can you resist these faces?

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