Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Will and Jack

I was so excited to introduce Will to his new brother. I wasn't sure how he was going to react but knowing his personality I thought he would be very excited to meet his new brother. The first encounter started out a little rocky. Will was a little confused why his mommy was sitting in a strange bed and everyone was standing around watching him. When Eric showed Jack to Will he didn't want much to do with him. However, within 10 minutes of being in the room, he warmed up to Jack and was jumping all over the place excited to touch and look at Jack. We had to protect Jack from Will's flying limbs when he started to get excited. Here are some pictures from the first encounter.

Will was not sure at first what to think of Jack and just kind of stared at him and wouldn't let go of Eric.

After a few minutes, Will wanted to hold Jack and point out all of his body parts. He explored his hands and face and kept looking around at everyone with an excited look on his face.

The next day, Will was even more excited to see Jack and ran into the room yelling "baby, baby!" He ran to the bed and was insistent on getting on the bed and holding Jack. He is surprisingly gentle with Jack and pats his head and face and loves to give him kisses (which sometimes turn into head butts by accident).

Giving Jack some love.

Our new family.

I can see that Will is already going to be a big helper. He was trying to feed Jack some of his graham crackers.

Me and my boys!!

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