Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do I look like my brother?

When Jack was first born we didn't think he looked anything like Will. However, over the past week, Jack is looking more and more like his brother. Take a look and see what you think......

Here are two more pictures. Do you know who is who?

Welcome Home Jack

It was finally time to bundle Jack up and bring him home. We were all excited to get home and start settling into life as a family of four. Will was excited but not quite sure what to think having Jack sitting next to him in the car. Now the real challenge begins...trying to keep Will from smothering Jack with attention. He won't leave the boy alone!!!

We are going to need a bigger car soon! Two car seats take up a lot of room.

Home Sweet Home.....

Will and Jack

I was so excited to introduce Will to his new brother. I wasn't sure how he was going to react but knowing his personality I thought he would be very excited to meet his new brother. The first encounter started out a little rocky. Will was a little confused why his mommy was sitting in a strange bed and everyone was standing around watching him. When Eric showed Jack to Will he didn't want much to do with him. However, within 10 minutes of being in the room, he warmed up to Jack and was jumping all over the place excited to touch and look at Jack. We had to protect Jack from Will's flying limbs when he started to get excited. Here are some pictures from the first encounter.

Will was not sure at first what to think of Jack and just kind of stared at him and wouldn't let go of Eric.

After a few minutes, Will wanted to hold Jack and point out all of his body parts. He explored his hands and face and kept looking around at everyone with an excited look on his face.

The next day, Will was even more excited to see Jack and ran into the room yelling "baby, baby!" He ran to the bed and was insistent on getting on the bed and holding Jack. He is surprisingly gentle with Jack and pats his head and face and loves to give him kisses (which sometimes turn into head butts by accident).

Giving Jack some love.

Our new family.

I can see that Will is already going to be a big helper. He was trying to feed Jack some of his graham crackers.

Me and my boys!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

...and baby makes 4!

We are excited to announce the arrival of Jack Edward on November 17th at 4:54am. Baby Jack weighed in at 8 lbs 8 ozs and was 21 1/2 inches long. For those of you who didn't know, Jack was supposed to arrive on November 19th but he decided he wanted to mix things up a little and surprise us by arriving two days early (is that a sign of things to come??). Let's just say we definitely were not expecting to be making a trip into the hospital at 11:30pm on Monday night! I must have had some sort of mother's intuition because I had spent the entire day running around doing some last minute errands, packing my bags for the hospital and washing a couple loads of baby clothes. Once I finally sat down to relax at 9:30pm I started to get contractions. After a while of wondering what to do, I finally called the doctor who told me I should come into the hospital (I never had labor pains with Will so this was new to me). We had to drag poor Will out of bed to drop him at Grandma and Judu's house and then we made our way into the hospital. They hooked me up to a monitor and we sat in the room from 11:30pm until 3:00am when the doctor finally decided to move forward with the c-section. Eric and I were exhausted at that point and a little delirious from not sleeping for almost 30 hours. We were both in a bit of shock since we were not planning on having a baby that night (or I should say morning at that point)!!

When they finally brought us into the delivery room, Jack arrived very quickly. The first thing the doctor said as they were delivering Jack was "Look at all that hair!". Jack had a full head of black hair just like I did when I was born. When I finally got to see Jack I was so excited and couldn't believe that we were now parents of two!

We are so happy that you are finally here baby Jack!! Here are some pictures of our sweet pea.

Ready for delivery!

Jack definitely had a set of lungs when he was born and continued to cry even after being bundled up in a blanket. He was not happy about being taken out of his warm, cozy home.

Meeting baby Jack for the first time

ahh...finally in my arms.

..and daddy's arm.

The proud grandparents

Monday, November 23, 2009

A new blog is born....

You probably noticed that the blog has a new and improved look (which took me 3 hours!). The past 20 months have been spent documenting Will's arrival into the world and his many milestones and adventures up to this point. One of my main purposes in documenting all of this into a blog was to keep track of everything Will has done developmentally and more so that I could create a first year book for him (since I didn't do a traditional baby book). Well I made the first year book so now I have a lot to live up to with baby Jack. Therefore, the blog has been updated to reflect our growing family and the start of a new chapter of many more exciting milestones not only for Will but now for Jack as well. I can already tell that we are going to have our hands full with two kids but the blog will continue, I am just going to have to be a little more creative in finding the time to update!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Welcome Baby Jack!!

Jack Edward
November 17, 2009
8 lbs 8 ozs

Happy and healthy...more to come soon!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Will's new thing is saying goodbye and waving whenever someone leaves. He knows exactly when to say it and always says bye to Eric each morning when he leaves for work. In fact, Will likes saying it so much that he says bye all time...even when he goes from one room to the other.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween this year with Will. It was so much fun because it was his "first" real trick or treating experience. Last year he didn't know what was going on but this year he seemed to really enjoy it!

We started off the day by carving our pumpkin. At first Will wasn't too into it, he preferred eating his snack and watching Eric but once Eric opened the pumpkin, Will enjoyed pulling out the insides. Our pumpkin didn't last very long...we were victims of late night pumpkin smashing. Fortunately, Will wasn't too attached to the pumpkin so he didn't even notice it was gone the next day.

Later in the afternoon, we went to a pre-trick or treat party at a neighbors house down the street. I met the mom at a gym class that Will and I go to and we started talking only to find out we lived a few houses down from each other! Turns out there are several other families all close by with kids the same age so we got to celebrate Halloween with our new neighborhood friends which was really fun. Will looked adorable dressed as a lion and actually kept his costume on the entire time.

Before it got too late, we all headed out for a little trick or treating with the kids. Will caught on surprisingly quick when it came trick or treating. He would go up to the front door, put his bucket down, take a piece of candy, put it in his bucket, pick it up and walk away. We tried the thank you part but he isn't quite there yet.

Here is Will at the first house. It took him one house for us to show him you weren't supposed to go into the house but instead just stand at the front door and wait for the candy. After we showed him what to do, he caught on very quickly and was always the first one up to the door waiting patiently for his candy.