It has been a busy few weeks for us while we continue the search for a new house (which is turning into the never ending search!). I'm anxious to get our housing situation under control so we can begin enjoying the summer. Meanwhile, Will is becoming more of a little boy every day. It is amazing...I was just looking at him today wondering when did he all of a sudden he turn into a little boy who can communicate with us by pointing at things, drink out of big boy cup, say his first word, and more! I have been slacking on my picture taking so my selection is a little limited. Here are some highlights from the month:
- Carries on a conversation for a few minutes, however, we have no clue what he is saying. He tends to like to have a conversation when we are taking things out of the refrigerator. He stands behind us talking up a blue storm and pointing at different things in the fridge.
- Loves to drink out of a cup or water bottle...especially when he sees Eric or I drinking out of one. If we try to give him his sippy cup, he pushes it away until we give him the big boy cup. He actually does really well drinking out of it with minimal spills.
- Said his third word....doggy!!! (mama and dada were the first two) Only problem is that everything is a doggy to him....Lucy our cat is a doggy...girls walking down the street are doggy. Now we just have to work on the use of the word doggy.
-Does not sleep past 6:00am..regardless of what time he goes to bed (what I wouldn't give to sleep until 7am one morning!). And I have somehow created a monster who will not fall asleep without being rocked. He will grow out of this..right?
- Loves other little kids..especially the ladies. He likes to give hugs from behind and rest his head on their backs. However, his hug turns into a tackle and both babies end up on the floor..usually with Will on top looking up at us with an innocent look on his face.
- Loves his Sesame Street sing along video. We put him in front of the video and he does not move once the entire show. We have to put a blocker in front of the tv stand otherwise, he will stand with his face about 10 inches from the screen.
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