Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 25, 2008

4 1/2 Months!!

4 1/2 months....crazy!! Will is no longer a baby, he is a little person now. He is starting to develop such a great personality too. He is very laid back and just goes with the flow (he does have his moments though!). When we are out, people are always asking us if he is always so content and fortunately, I can say yes! He is such a happy baby and is always laughing and smiling. When he gets angry though you can tell, he scrunches up his eyebrows and gives us an angry gurgle.

We went to the doctor today for Will's 4 month well-baby check-up. Again, Will got a shining report..happy and healthy! I did make Eric come with me this time because I didn't want to bear the trauma of Will's shots alone. He got 4 shots...3 in the leg and 1 in the arm. He was a little trooper though and once we got through the shots he was back to his happy self. Will's measurements are:

Weight - 16 lbs 3 ozs (70-90th percentile)
Height - 24 3/4 inches (50-75th percentile)
Head - 17 1/2 inches (95th percentile...big head = big brain..right?)

At 4 1/2 months, Will is able to:

- Play while laying on his stomach

- Roll over from back to front (but then gets stuck on his tummy because he hasn't figured how to roll himself back). He is soooo proud of himself when he does it. He has a huge smile on his face. I go!

Come on 95% percentile head...your not weighing me down this time.

Hey..where am I?

Whew...I made it.

- Sleep on his belly (and made mommy and daddy very worried parents the first night he did it!)

- Giggle and laugh out loud when tickled (and when mommy makes a funny face or noise)

- On his way to sitting up on his own.

- Starting to do "Razzberries"...the "plzzzzzz" sound you make when you stick out your tongue and blow (Eric didn't know what a razzberry was!) Spit ends up all over his face but he has fun with it.

- Started noticing Lucy and loves to pull her hair (sorry Lucy!)

- Drool like a maniac. There is not a fabric too thick that he can't completely soak.

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