Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Mother Nature decided to play an early Halloween "Trick" on us....five inches of heavy wet snow and no power for going on 3 days. This is what our house looked like on Saturday night during the snow storm.

Fortunately, most of the snow melted pretty quickly the next day. However, in honor of the early snowstorm, I felt a snow pumpkin was more appropriate for the weather at hand.

There is something about this little guy that I like. I wish he could stay around a little longer!
Halloween pictures of the boys to come!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It's hard to believe that in one month Jack will be two years old. I feel like I haven't posted much on Jack's development past the age of one but he has been a very active little boy over the past year. Having his older brother around has definitely helped him to master some of the more physical aspects of development since he is constantely trying to keep up with Will. He always amazes us with the things that he can do.

Then it comes time to talk about language and while I don't want to categorize him as being behind in that area, he definitely doesn't have an extensive vocabulary (okay...he really doesn't say much at all). I will give him credit though because even though he can't talk, he does a great job getting his point across and we can usually understand what he is trying to tell us through his different sounding grunts and groans.

The past couple of weeks he has been trying sooooo hard to sound out words. This week he finally mastered two new words...."Hi" and "Bye". Here is a clip of him showing off one of his new word...

And here is the blooper reel.....

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Cookies

I hope you don't all think I am crazy for posting pictures of my cookies instead of my kids. But I hate to make all these cookies and then just eat them so I figured I'd at least share the pictures with you all! I'm also building up my cookie portfolio in the process. :-)

Since discovering sugar cookies, I've discovered a whole world of cookie blogs out there with others even more obsessed with sugar cookies than I am. So at least I'm not the only one. My cookie idol's website is The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Apples and Pumpkins and Goats, Oh My!

I've been waiting for fall primarily for one reason, fun trips to all the local farms. Nothing says fall more than picking apples or taking a hayride out to pick some pumpkins. Last weekend was our annual apple picking event which to be honest with you is really more about me taking pictures than the actual apple picking. But does that surprise you? :-)

We headed out to the local farm in town and while the apple picking didn't keep their attention for too long, all the goats and chickens entertained them for a while. We had to drag Will away otherwise he would have stood there all day watching the animals. Here are some pictures from the day....

My favorite picture of Jack. Such a happy guy.

Just chillin' under the apple tree

Off to feed the chickens...

...and then the goats.

Feeding the king of the goats.

And then the chicken came over to see what was going on.

We didn't get to take a hayride this time but we did check out the pumpkins before leaving.

The Place where Fantasy Lives.....

We visited Story Land a couple weekends ago with our friends for a fun filled kid friendly vacation. I've attempted to post these pictures like 10 different times but I keep having writers block so I close it and hope next time I can think of something to say. It's not happening so I give up. Here are the pictures from our trip.....