Gosh..I just realized it has been a while since my last post. I feel like the days are moving in fast forward especially because I can't believe Jack is already 7 months. I also can't believe it is already the end of June and we have been back in MA for almost a year! I think this is definitely one of the best ages right now. Jack has been growing like a weed this month and enjoying lots of new things. Here are a few highlights from the month.
- Jack is an EARLY riser just like his brother use to be. Most days he is up by 5am on the dot. Occasionally he sleeps in a little and gets up at 5:30 instead. :-) You would think I would be used to it by now but I don't think I will ever get used to getting up at 5am...that is just too darn early. We've tried the whole leaving him in his crib so that he learns that he can't get up that early. However, that usually backfires on us because then he wakes Will up and now instead of just having to deal with one at 5am, we have two of them ready and raring to go for the day. ugh...
- He does take 3 naps a day and is usually down for his first nap at 8am due to the fact that he up at the crack of dawn. I'm definitely not as strict with naps as I was with Will and he tends to take at least one of his naps in his car seat. I'm not quite sure what I am going to do once he moves out of the bucket seat into the big car seat.
- He is starting to become a mobile little bugger. He is not crawling yet but he rolls all over the place. He is very close to crawling and is able to do the backward crawl/slide. Any day now I expect that he is going to take off and our world will be forever changed.
- He is eating 3 meals a day still consisting of cereal and some sort of fruit or veggie. However, he definitely would prefer to eat whatever it is we are eating and usually stares longingly at our food. Here is a clip of him trying to take the pizza crust away from his friend who wasn't going to stand for that.....
-He loves to yell so he can hear his voice. Of course, he usually decides that he wants to be vocal when Will is sleeping and there is no stopping him once he gets started. The whole "shhhh..." thing is kind of lost on him. :-) He has this funny little growling sound he likes to make too which cracks me up.
I've really been slacking this month on taking pictures. Here are a few from the slim pickn's that I had to chose from.