Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bon Appetit!

Well...the time has come. Gone are the lazy days of drinking milk now replaced with a new and exciting adventure...solid food! Yes..after 5 1/2 months of living on a milk alone...our little guy got his first taste of real solid food. However, I don't quite know how we get away saying "solid" is more like liquid mush (and not too tasty I must add). I've been eagerly awaiting for this day, excited to see how he would react to the taste of something other than milk going into his mouth. We started off with rice cereal and after a few spoonfuls, Will really seemed to like it! By the second day, he seemed to get the hang of eating and was opening his mouth after each spoonful, waiting for the next spoonful. Not only was he eating the serving I made for him but he wanted more! Of course we got plenty of pictures (and a video!) of Will's first meal.

Hey, what's going on here. I don't usuallly sit here when I am going to eat! Why aren't you holding me mommy?

Okay, I guess we are trying something new here. I'll go with it to amuse mommy and daddy.

What the heck was that?

Daddy, why are you just standing there watching while mommy is putting this mush in my mouth?

Hmm...I guess I'm on my own here. I'm not getting any help from you daddy.

That spoon is over rated. I'll just lick it off my bib here, it is much easier.

Hey..that stuff isn't too bad. Can I have some more?

That was fun mommy but I'm full...

Here are some pictures from our second try at solid foods...

Mommy...I got the hang of this eating thing now. I can do it myself.

See, I told you I could feed myself. No problem!

Maybe you should just pass over the bowl as well. I'll take care of it from here.

Hey..I'm not done yet! I want some more!

And here are a few more pictures that I thought were too cute not to post.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Judu!

We had a big birthday celebration this weekend. It was Judu's 60th birthday (sorry dad...I know you don't like to admit it). We went to the cape for the weekend to celebrate. Friday night the 5 of us went to dinner and Saturday we had a party at the house with some of my parents friends.

We let Will join us at the table for a little and I think he was enjoying being a big boy for a few minutes.

On Saturday, Eric tested his skills at windsurfing. Will and I went down to the beach to watch him and we were both impressed at how well he did.

Up he goes!

Wow..he is making it look pretty easy out there!

Ooops, spoke too soon...down he goes.

But that's okay. Will was still routing him on. Go Daddy Go!!

Grandma and Judu have been accumulating toys at the cape house. One of the their finds was a bathtub chair which we tested out this weekend. Will did pretty well sitting in it on his own and he seemed to enjoy it to.

At first glance, you may think that is a shadow on the front of Will's shirt. But if you look a little closer you will notice that it is one big drool mark!! haha! I can't wait for this phase to be over but I know we have lots more drooling ahead of us. However, I do think we will see a tooth in the very near future. He has been doing lots of chewing on anything he can But I can't complain about the drool because he is such a happy baby! I was singing "This Little Light of Mine" and he was loving it.

Before leaving on Sunday, Eric, Will and I took a walk on the beach in the morning. The weather was sooo beautiful and the beach was so quiet.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mommies Night Out

Even the Mommies need a night out!

Casey, Amy and Janelle

Me, Ana, Keri and Leah

Uh oh...I had to pass on the car was a work night!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Will's Friends

We started going to Mom's Group when Will was only 3 weeks old. I remember being so nervous to bring him that young but I am so glad we went. The Mom's group is where I met all the girls who are in our playgroup. Not only do we see everyone on Friday's, we also get together throughout the week.

Will and his ladies....

Cutie Maddie

Here's Riley...only 5 1/2 months and already crawling!

Uh oh...I think Will has picked a girlfriend. He is pulling Riley in for a kiss!

Leah showing off her new skills. Randie is going back to work next week...we will miss Leah and Randie!

Double duty...I still don't know how she does it with two!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rockabye Baby!

I love these cds! Whoever came up with this idea is a a genius! Rockabye baby takes past and present rock songs and turns them into beautiful instrumental lullabies. We were first introduced to these cd's by our friends who bought Will one as a gift. The cd's work like magic. The second I put it on, Will immediatly stops crying and just listens to the music. I have one in my his room..on my ipod. Not only does Will like to listen to the do I! We now have lullaby renditions of U2, Rolling Stones and Coldplay.

If you ever need to get a gift for a new baby, I definitely recommend these cds!! Check out the website:

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New shoes

This boy has more sneakers than we know what to do with! Judu is going sneaker crazy. Will has sneakers in all sizes, colors, and styles. I think that he is set through the age of three! Will's most recent addition to his collection is a pair of cool Elmo sneakers which I had him model...well at least I tried to get him to model, he was more interested in pulling the laces and trying to get the shoe into his mouth.

Not only does he have sneakers but he also has all the clothing to go along with the sneakers. Here is Will in his cute track suit. I think we have a future athlete on our hands. Dad thinks he is going to be a star pitcher. I think he is going to be the next Tiger Woods.