Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Look at me Mom!

Will is growing so quickly!! His favorite thing to do is stand....that is all he wants to do! He is constantly pushing himself up when he is sitting on our laps. I think he likes the view up there better. One of these days, he is just going to take off and we are going to be chasing after him from that point forward.

Eric and I have a bet of when we think he is going to start walking. I say 11 months, Eric says 9 months. We'll see!!


Will just discovered his toys today. He is able to actually hold on to the toy and play with it. His favorite so far is his blue Taggies elephant. He loves feeling (and eating) the ribbons. Of course, every toy I give him goes straight towards his mouth and if he is lucky, it actually gets into his mouth.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Back to Work....

We survived my first week back at work. It was not fun at all to have to drop Will off at daycare. The first day I left crying, however, each day got a little better. By the third day, there were no tears but it was still hard to leave him. The woman who take care of him are great though...Adreana and Urma. I went in on the second day and asked to take a picture. I think they thought I was crazy but oh well.

I get a report card each day I pick Will up telling me what he did during the day. So far it seems like he is having a great time. They do tummy time with him, read books, go for walks on the porch. All the other babies in the room love him. Every time I drop him off, they come up to me and point and say "baby". Some even call him baby William. Will seems to be talking more than ever now. I think from watching the other babies all day long he will pick up some new skills.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Since Will loves to stand, I thought I’d put together his activity center for him to play in. Needless to say, he is still just a little too small for it but how cute does he look in it!! I think he needs just a couple more weeks and then he will be good to go.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Heads Up!!!

Will has really been working on his tummy time over the past few weeks. While he has been able to hold his head up for a few seconds at a time, we had a break through today! I put him down on his tummy and turned my back for a second. When I turned around he was happily holding his head up looking at the toys on his playmat. He held it up long enough for me to run into the other room, get my camera and then proceed to take about 25 pictures of him!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Daddy's Day

Happy Daddy's Day! I love my daddy...he is the best. Mommy made us dress up in the same outfit and take about 50 photos..she thought it would be cute. Daddy and I just wanted to go watch golf but we like to make mommy happy. I gave daddy a golf shirt and a picture of me for his desk. We had a nice dinner at home and just spent the time relaxing and hanging out.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

3 Months Old!

At three months old...
- Will can hold his head up all on his own.
- He is beginning to grab at things...especially when he is laying on his playmat.
- Will loves to talk and I think he tries to talk louder than me.
- Will loves to stand.
- He wants to be held facing out to see what is going on around him.
- Will loves to put his hand (and anything else he can) into his mouth.
- He goes to sleep around 8:30pm and doesn't get up until 5:30 or 6:00am!
- Will loves to listen to me read books while he looks at the pictures.

My favorite things to do with Will....
- Read books while lying on our backs in his room.
- Have a conversation with him while changing his diaper. He is most talkative while lying on his changing table.
- Sleeping in bed together for another hour after daddy gets up to go to work.
- Singing "If your happy and you know it".
- Tickling him and listening to him giggle.
- Bath time...I also end up wet.

While Daddy was away, we played dress up with his clothes. I think Will looks good in a tie!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Not too much has gone on since my last posting so this will be short. Here are some pictures from our week/weekend.

Our second outing to the beach went much more smoothly than the first. We lived and learned a few things the first time so Eric and I were able to efficiently set up and break down of all the beach gear and actually got a little relaxation time in between. I think Will enjoyed himself too.